love is ever so blind

love is ever so blind (DigiArt, 1280x960px, 2010)
love is ever so blind (DigiArt, 1280x960px, 2010)

love is ever so blind, here’s my shakespearean sonnet bout being blindful

Love is ever so blind, i need to learn braille alphabet and numbers.

Love is so blind because cupid is so farsighted…

Love is so blind, I’ll master knitting in an hour.

Love is so blind, I use shampoo to soap.

Love is so blind, I keep bumping into you.

Love is so blind, I don’t mind when you score from an off-side position…

Love is so blind, I sense the world by your silent sighs and indistinct murmurs over the static and odd frequencies …

Love is so blind, I keep coming back to you for sweet sinful green tea frappuccino’s instead of those blended at starbucks…

Love is ever so blind, you’ve mistaken me as cupid. Lucky me…

Love is ever so blind, you’re medusa stare only distends and rigids the state of my manhood. Lucky you.

Love is so blind, I keep driving my wood on your par 3 hole in one’s…

Love is ever so blind, I keep raising the stakes of this poker game to keep safe its addicting thrills…

Love is ever so blind, I keep clinging on to you…

Love is ever so blind, it made me realize black is created by the affairs of all the other colors …

Love is ever so blind, if you don’t mind, i’ll keep you as mine…

Love is ever so blind, i moon-walked reversely to the tones of your gleeful chuckle and sweet refusals of a good time…

Love is so blind, the golden pot at the end of the rainbow knocks me out threefold yellow, orange and yellow like a fast relief …

Love is ever so blind, you can run for cover, but you can’t hide from the sweet sour aftertaste…

Love is ever blind, i listen to you more clearly…

Love is ever so so blind, it doesn’t mean i’m an idiot. just physically challenged…

Love is ever so blind, it intensifies my tactile signals to a slight degree when it comes to you…

Love is ever so blind, i couldn’t care less about being outdoors or indoors…

Love is ever so blind, no torch can shed light on how warm it has been with you under the cover of darkness..

Love is ever so blind, i trust every inch of you even if you’re brunette and crippled…

Love is ever so blind, it is.

Love is ever so blind, i’m all ears…

Love is ever so blind, i don’t mind if you keep whining from the sidelines like rafael benitez…

Love is ever so blind, i’ll keep my preferences blank for you to fill…

Love is ever so blind, it may be short lived by the faint hearted…

Love is ever so blind, you didn’t even notice I was blowing kisses like crazy over the statics and odd frequencies.

Love is ever so blind, i only prune wild roses…

Love is ever so blind, just figured out that love is series of attachment in space and time, both repulsive and pleasing…

Love is ever so so blind, can’t even read the calendar, so i’ll just keep loving you in the still of the starry nights to come.

Love is ever so blind, fill the _ _ _ _ _ _ as you please…

Love is ever so blind, i don’t need sight to see that two wrongs does make it right…

Love is ever so blind, cause i never use my mind…

Love is ever so blind, it makes us the right kind…

Love is again ever so blind, my senses keeps telling me that she’s quite the queen of hearts.

Love is blindful, jeff healey has an angel for an eye whilst gently letting the guitar weep…

Love is ever so blind, it didn’t stop zohar sharon winning golf tournaments.

Love is so blind, now I see clearer why the lack of visual perception never stop ray charles and stevie wonder do good for the world.

Love is ever so blind, a few to many blind dates with john barleycorn makes me heavenly blah and spew god.

Love is ever so blind, it makes twitter over capacity…

Love is ever so blind, it seems picture perfect when your bent out of shape…

Love is ever so blind, i have the most surreal dreams..

Love is ever so blind, i get concessions for forgetting how you look…

Love is ever so blind, i always get to touch faces…

Love is ever so blind, i make up all colors of the b/w world by rubbing my eyes hard and long…

Love is so blind, i trust my versatile rottweiler instincts to hunt and sense you, love.

Love is so blind; it’s not web 2.0 i’m booting, but more likely the same old web 1.0 patched and updated by service pack 3…

Love is so blind, i forage the room for the long lost tv remote, instead of walking straight to the box and switch the channels manually…

Love is ever so blind, i sneak up to you like batman – but with goggles…

Love is ever so blind, the fulfilling surprises keeps draining my viewpoint…

Love is so blind, it defies gravity and all reasoning…

Love is so blind, we owe it big time to shakespeare …

Love is so blind, i really know how it feels when you say i never want to see your face again…

Love is so blind, the lack of sight makes me see the imperfectness of love most clearly…

Love is ever so blind, people do come to me and ask for directions…

Love is ever so blind, i need you to recite poems of mislaid slippers and misplaced glasses to me, like now.

Love is so blind; one, two, three, four, it’s true by the hour…

Love is so blind, it only needs 10% infatuation and 90% desperation to set the spark just right…

Love is ever so blind, your playful pleasures is pulpy pure…

Love is so blind, i hope my spouse doesn’t read all of these…

Love is ever so blind, you clear the ghosts – i save the host..

Love is ever so blind, I think people wouldn’t notice when I keep smiling for no particular reason.

Love is ever so blind, I get high sniffing your sweet scented smell…

Love is ever so blind, I keep drawing circles to make the love between us go on forever…

Love is ever so blind, I don’t need eyes to visualize how special you are to us…

Love is ever so blind, you’re the apple of my eyes…

Love is ever so blind, I’ll lend you my sight for you to see howright da vinci captured your mystical smile…

Love is ever so blind; it never dies, it justly shifts shape over space and time…

Love is ever so blind; if your white, i’m black, and the kaleidoscopic range of colors in between is surely the playful us…

Love is ever so blind; your cancerian quality is my unicode to decipher the perplexing constellation of love zodiacs…

Love is ever so blind, not many can feel let alone see why love is the only universality in life…

Love is ever so blind, what would it take for you to see all the freewill journeys we could’ve embarked …

Love is ever so blind, it’s fittingly perfect to be unconscious, undiscerning, unmindful, unobservant, unperceiving, and unreasoning.

Love is ever so blind, when I land on my knees loving you it still kinda hurts.

Love is ever so blind, I don’t even have an emergency exit plan.

Love is ever so blind, your scars and torments are lullabies to me…

Love is ever so blind, it helps to be an alcoholic…

Love is ever so blind, trados and trodat are surely universes apart.

Love is ever so blind, I don’t need blinders when we stroll around the big apple, one day.

Love is ever so blind, i keep calling 1-800-LOVE-SHALL-SET-YOU-FREE

Love is ever so blind, even plato is multitasking for socrates in aristotle’s cave…

Love is ever so blind; i’ve been here many times before – it’s an addiction turn enslavement.

Love is ever so blind, i don’t even need the hearing-impaired calculus and the heroic reporter tintin to tell me i’m in love.

Love is so blind, do make sure you clip all the thrones of your bed of roses…

Love is ever so blind, just realized the only thing missing in us is u..

Love is ever so blind, these blinding love lines are because of you…

Love is ever so blind, it tricks your mind…

Love is so blind, when it comes to you, the only competition around is me…

Love is ever so blind, you have only one collect-call to god to bail you out…

Love is ever so blind, make sure you have a bold h h h h heart….

Love is ever so blind, I’m tailored to suit you…

Love is ever so blind, negroponte’s switch is all true, love is wireless and it’s in the air!

Love is ever so blind, the greatest view is seeing you come for me during my washed-out wantings…

Love is ever so blind, I’m not single, nor married. I’m just available.

Love is ever so blind, what you see is still what you get…

Love is blind, I just evol(ve).

Love is ever so blind, it sparks heroic battles and great wars among men…

Love is ever so blind, I call telkom 103 to check your biological clock…

Love is ever so blind, even during public holidays…

Love is ever so blind; hugs and sweet caresses are substantial, but you filling the spaces between my fingers is completely immaculate…

Love is ever so blind, don’t even try to explain these pathological sensations i feel from head to toe…

Love is ever so blind, Gibran limits it as spiritual affinity…

Love is so blind, it’s vignettes of feebly knees, sweaty palms, racy hearts, and shivery bodies to the power of nervous suspenses…

Love is ever so blind, your saline salty kiss blows away my daily fails and epic falls…

Love is so blind, elevator kisses defies the conviction of gravity. collarbone kisses, well, it’s quantum leap to …

Love is ever so blind; look for me at the lost and found services

Love is ever so blind, we get tangled up in the matrix of revised love lines alight birdy cabs as wherewithal city dims down…

Love is ever so blind, your angelic breath makes the sun perspire, the moon chant amorous sonatas, and overwhelm earth with heavens…

Love is ever so blind, you express your thoughts like ikebana.

Love is ever so blind, there’s one thing you should know: I’m blind.

Love is surely blind, i can live with kinda, maybe, sorta and all your perhaps…

Love is ever so blind, we’ll just let love decide.

Love is ever so blind, i keepsake stop motion animation of our pulsating moments through airy-fairy rapid eye movements…

Love is ever so blind, out of reach calls and voice mails are only setbacks caused by bad cases of weak signals and low batts…

Love is ever so blind, i keep driving on the wrong side of the road whilst making sure i’ve dialed the right number…

Love is ever so blind, i entertain my self driving in circles…

Love is ever so blind, wait till i get on that pink plane to your doorsteps…

Love is ever so blind, cupidity is the study of stupidity…


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