Deeper Shades of Wax Radio Show @ 98.5FM The Beat Radio Plus Bali
“Mixed Emotion” DJ Mix by Marlowe Bandem, Tuesday, June 29, 2010 from 16.00-17.00 WITA
Ok, here’s my manual version of Hawtin’s Twitter DJ
@marlowebandem Deeper shades of wax 98.5FM TBRP Bali #NP daso_la fee verte / alexi delano_digital download
@marlowebandem Deeper shades of wax 98.5FM TBRP Bali #NP sebastien leger_foxxy / dee zee_i have a feeling / district one_dubcyrstal
@marlowebandem Deeper shades of wax 98.5FM TBRP Bali #NP lauhaus & sandy huner_truckin’ / la gosse_slow down
@marlowebandem Deeper shades of wax 98.5FM TBRP Bali #NP el carlitto feat. chelonis r jones_on and on (coconut grooves mix)
@marlowebandem Deeper shades of wax 98.5FM TBRP Bali #NP 3jas_manomito / alexi delano & cari lekebusch_getting planted
@marlowebandem Deeper shades of wax 98.5FM TBRP Bali #NP kollektiv trumstrasse_holunderbaum / garnica_fear nothing
@marlowebandem Deeper shades of wax 98.5FM TBRP Bali #NP jacksonville_red house / the descent_conundrum
@marlowebandem Deeper shades of wax 98.5FM TBRP Bali #NP jay shepheard_a view from the eighth / chiapet_westworld (skylark mix)
@marlowebandem Deeper shades of wax 98.5FM TBRP Bali #NP dubtaylor feat jeff samuel_after party blues / d dub_deep blue (stimming mix)
@marlowebandem concluding Deeper shades of wax 98.5FM TBRP Bali #NP stefan mallmann_unforgotten memories. Thanks for tuning in, me signing off.
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[popup url=”http://marlowebandem.com/wp-content/uploads/mixedemotion.mp3″] Click here to stream Deeper Shades of Wax Radio Show: Mixed Emotion (Continuous Mix – Various Artists)[/popup] or you can always right click and save as… to download.
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