Tag: Fixed Gear
TEDxUbud: Tribute to the first bicycle in Bali
Here is the TEDxUbud talk about my journey and tribute to the intimate relationship between WOJ Nieuwenkamp, the versatile Dutch artist, and…
Kayuh Sepeda ke Hulu Kota
***Tulisan pernah dimuat di Majalah Sewaka Dharma Pemkot Denpasar: Media Informasi Pelayanan Publik Edisi #01 -2014, KOLOM, hal. 20-21 Seorang…
I miss Zeno 🙂
Good morning, here comes the fixed gear and cold beer cavalry #bali #video #fixedgear #ride | in frame, Zeno Wulia of SF and his faithful…
Fixed Gear & Cold Beer
Over the years, cycling has brought me to places where the conversation was warm, the company was bliss and most…
In a Kagero State of Mind
Zone, the n. a state of mind experienced while riding. You don’t think, you just do. A truly Zen experience…